Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Painter Wanted More

I love when straight guys can't get enough of posing naked!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great to see you back...missed you you! ...nice shots!

  3. Only a STUD like you can open up a straight dude's butthole so wide you can see the future up there. He's lovin' it. and he's lovin' it because you're lovin' it.feed him that energy. the more you give him that erotic attention the wilder he will get.

    Nothing may ever happen sexually between you two (maybe it will) but the more you feed him you erotic attention the more he will eat it up. Gay men give straight men something that EVERY man needs, Straight or bi or gay. That is sexual desire. Every man want to be desired. Every man wants to feel sexy. Every now and then the dog wants the cat to chase him. That is something that don't happen much in the hetero community due to society's norms and customs and roles.

    Give it too him. He will appreciate it even if he don't go over to that side. you will see more explosions like the last picture for sure. Great series by the way !

    The Male Casting Couch
